Friday, September 30, 2011

The Happy List

Happy Friday! I'm just glad that I have a three day weekend. Work was less than awesome this week. I had my very first day as charge nurse yesterday. Someone coded. Code blue. Flat line. Not good. I'm so insanely happy that this week is over. I needed a little encouragement and I know that a lot of my friends and family are also in need of encouragement. Actually, when could we not use a little encouragement? Anytime, people, anytime! So I decided to make a happy list. Things that give me a little boost and hopefully will give you one too!

My Friday Happy List

1. A good breakfast

2. Coffee from Einstein Bagels at the hospital. Vanilla Hazelnut and Autumn Roast get me through the morning.

3. A double rainbow. All the way across the sky. I saw this last week and was reminded of God's amazing love and promises for us. (Ok, I was also reminded of the hilarious YouTube video.)

4. June Beatrice Baker. Born on Tuesday, September 27th to Zach and Audrey Baker. I haven't met her yet, but I know she is going to be amazing! 

5. This verse, that I used to carry in my pocket back when I was a brand new CNA and super freaked out all the time. I was reminded of it so many times this week. 
"For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and self control. " 2 Timothy 1:7

6. Friday Flower Club

7. Looking forward to a vacation. (Celebrating 2 years of marriage in Charleston, SC in a couple weeks!)

8. The Today Show and Kathie Lee and Hoda. If I get to watch it, it means I'm probably not at work. And I just love those ladies. They make me laugh.

9. Cajun Chicken Pasta from The Pioneer Woman. I made it earlier this week and it was fantastic. Also it fed both of us for lunch for the rest of the week.

10. Pay Day Friday. Holla!

I hope you are having a great Friday and have time to think up your own happy list. (Thanks for the idea, Rockstar Diaries!)

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